
Kdbx database
Kdbx database

The large icon next to the entry's name is a button, which when clicked upon displays more icons to choose from. Left-click on the Group name to bring up the folder tree into view, you can use it to move the entry from one group to another. The top half of this pane displays the name of the database the credentials are saved in, the group (folder) name, and the date when the information was last modified. AuthPass has a sidebar to the left that lists all of your logins.Ĭlick on an item and the application loads the corresponding information on the large pane to the right. The password manager's interface has a modern look that seems to follow Google's Material Design, with an accent color, and a minimalistic approach. If you want to load a KDBX file, you can select one from your computer's hard drive, or load one from the following cloud services: Dropbox, Google Drive or WebDAV.Įnter the password on the next screen (or use a key file), and you can start using your database with AuthPass. I do not know your reasoning behind choosing KeePass (I personally prefer it), but it sounds like your needs could be better met using LastPass that has sharing features built in.AuthPass is an open source, cross-platform password manager that supports KeePass 2.x databases (KDBX 3.x). The program displays a large startup screen that prompts you to get started with an existing database, or start fresh. Hope you find this approach as useful as I did.

  • Now, when you want to open the shared database, mark the entry and press CTRL + U.
  • On the advanced tab create a field named DbPath and with the value of where the shared database is located.
  • Create an entry in your personal database with the Password for the shared database.
  • This process is then simplified further by this neat "trick" I found on the KeePass forum (slightly modified/improved): This allows us to have a very secure password on our shared databases, but also requires that the different users also use secure passwords for their private databases.

    kdbx database

    All users are then required to have a personal KeePass database wherein the key to the shared databases are stored.

    kdbx database kdbx database

    I work voluntarily on various IT related projects, where we are groups of people that share passwords, and the different groups all share their own KeePass databases via Dropbox.

    Kdbx database